Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Broxtowe Enews 30th August 2011

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Liberal Democrats on Broxtowe Borough Council.

1. Stapleford Walk In Centre

I’m afraid that the NHS has confirmed that Stapleford Walk In Centre will close at the end of September. This is a dreadful decision and totally ignores the very strong views expressed by people locally. The argument that Stapleford shouldn’t have a facility like this as other places didn’t have anything as good is one of the most ridiculous I’ve ever heard, Rather than get rid of such a good facility they should be raising standards elsewhere to match. We have fought this decision every step of the way but sadly to no avail.

2. Stapleford Carnival

Stapleford Carnival is next Saturday, 3rd September. It takes place at the Washington Drive playing field and everyone is welcome. The Lib-Dems will have a stand there, so do come over and say hello.

3. Free Swimming

I’m delighted to report on a real success for the borough council. As readers may be aware, for the last two years we have offered free swimming for children up to 16 and pensioners during the month of August. I’ve just seen the figures for the first three weeks of the month and we have already had an increase in patronage of 15% compared to last year, and nearly four times the numbers that we had in July. Not only are a huge number of people using the free offer but we are also having record numbers of paying customers. Broxtowe’s leisure centres are a real credit to the borough and very popular. We are one of the few councils that does not need to subsidise the leisure centres, they are so popular that they pay for themselves.

4. Events at Chilwell School

There are two forthcoming events at Chilwell School which I have been asked to advertise. First there is an Outdoor car boot sale on Sunday 11th September 2011 at Chilwell School, Queens Road West, Chilwell (Will not go ahead if it rains) from 9am to 1pm. Car booters may set up from 7.30am and there’s no need to book. Cars cost £5, vans £7.50 and the fee for visitors is a donation to school funds. If the weather is uncertain see www.chilwell.notts.sch.uk

Also on Friday 9th September 2011 at 7.30pm Paradiso Cinema presents Oranges and Sunshine, the story of Nottinghamshire social worker, Margaret Humphrys, and the Child Migrants Trust - http://www.childmigrantstrust.com/. This is at Chilwell Arts Theatre, Chilwell School, Queens Road West, NG9 5AL. Tickets on the door - £5, £4 (conc). Come at 7pm for refreshments. Further details are at www.chilwellartstheatre.co.uk

5. DH Lawrence Play

The Phoenix Rising, a play about DH Lawrence, will be performed at Durban House in Eastwood on September 18th. Tickets cost £12 (£10 concessions) and are available from 01773 717353.

6. Unemployment Figures

It was very disappointing to read this week that Nottingham now has the worst unemployment rate in the country. Thankfully matters are not as bad in Broxtowe as they are in the city, but the rate is rising and the council does commit a lot of resources to encouraging new businesses and support for firms in the borough.

7. Wildlife Photography

Attenborough Nature Reserve are running a session for budding wildlife photographers this coming Saturday from 8.00am to 10.30am. It costs £32 and pre-booking is essential. Places can be booked on 0115 972 1777, and if you’re going I will see you there. I’ve been taking photo’s for years but rarely of birds, and so I’ve signed up. (Some of my photo’s can be seen at www.david-watts-photography.org.uk if you will forgive the shameless plug.)

8. Brinsley graveyard vandalism

About 30 headstones have been overturned this week at St James the Great Church in Brinsley. This is despicable behaviour, and if anyone has any information to assist in apprehending those involved please contact the police. If you don’t want to talk to the police directly talk to me and I will pass information on.

9. Charity Website

A charity set up to help a Beeston resident has a new website for donations. The Sherwood Foundation are trying to raise £100,000 to send Andy Sherwood of Beeston to America for specialist treatment. The web site is at www.thesherwoodfoundation.org.uk).

10. Jessie Carter-Kay

Congratulations to Bramcote resident Jessie Carter-Kay who has won through to the finals of the Notts Outstanding Achievement Awards 4uth. Jessie set up her business Pulp Friction Smoothie Bar Project in 2008 and has turned it into a successful venture, bringing her bikes to various events where people can use pedal power to create their own smoothies. Both of my girls have had goes on them and think that they are great fun.

11. Register to Vote

Just a quick reminder that if you haven’t registered to vote yet you need to do so quickly. Forms were sent out earlier this month and people can register by post, phone or internet.

12. County Council Grants

The County Council are considering changes to the system that they use to administer grants to voluntary groups. The idea is to make the process easier and to provide more certainty for groups, and the County Council are currently consulting on their plans. Comments can be sent to county-grantaid@nottscc.gov.uk or by phoning 0115 977 3304.

13. Green Flag Parks

People now have the opportunity to vote for their favourite green flag parks. Bramcote Park, the flagship park in the borough, has held a green flag for years and I‘d encourage people to vote for it (or if not for one of the other green flag parks in the borough). Votes can be cast at http://www.keepbritaintidy.org/GreenFlag/GreenFlagAwardSites/EastMidlands/Default.aspx.

14. County Council investing locally

I’ve been critical of many things that the County Council have done recently, but I’m delighted to see that they have been able to increase the amount of goods that they buy from local supplies from 41% to 50%. This is very good news and the County reckon that every pound that they spend locally ends up being worth £1.97 to the local economy.

15. Foresters Arms, Newthorpe

I mentioned last week that local residents were collecting signatures on a petition in an attempt to stop Greene King building houses on the site where the Foresters Arms currently stands. That petition has now collected 732 signatures and has been passed to Anna Soubry MP.

16. Kimberley Police Station

Kimberley Parish Council have organised a public meeting to discuss plans to close Kimberley Police Station. This will be held at the Parish Hall on Newdigate Street on September 5th at 7.00pm.

17. Safer Community Volunteers

The Notts Police Authority are seeking nominations from Notts residents who have been helped by volunteers giving up their time to make local communities safer for an award. The Jean Varnam award recognises outstanding achievements and initiatives in community safety, and nominations can be made by emailing Jackie.nash@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. We haven’t had any new subscribers for the past three weeks so if you know of anyone who would benefit from reading it please mention it to them.

Many thanks


Sunday, 21 August 2011

Broxtowe Enews 21st August 2011

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council.

1. Planning Consultation

As we’re in the middle of August the news is fairly light this week, but can I start with something I raised last week, which is the consultation on where future building should take place in the borough. A number of people have commented that the consultation page on the borough council web site is not very clear or easy to use, and so to assist people I have put together a short summary of the key proposals, which is attached to this newsletter. Can I stress that this is not an official part of the consultation but simply me trying to help people. I hope this is helpful to people but feel free to get in touch if you need any further detail.

2. Footsteps Festival

The council have launched the 2011 Foosteps Festival, which began with the Mayor of Broxtowe, Cllr Jacky Williams, leading a group on the first walk. The majority of the walks will occur between 3rd and 11th September and there will be numerous events around the borough. The details are available on the councils website at http://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=9337.

3. What’s On Where Website

The council has launched a new events website for events happening in Broxtowe. The site is a calendar for local events and is available at http://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=8971. Items it highlights coming up this week are the Beeston West Cat Meeting (Community Action Team) on Tuesday evening, the Awsworth Cat on Wednesday and the Tesco Football Skills Festival for boys and girls aged 8 to 11 on 31st August.

4. Sponsored Walk

Stapleford Lib-Dem activist Tammy Booth is taking part in a 90 mile sponsored walk to raise money for the Anthony Booth Fund, walking from Skegness to Stapleford. If you’d like to sponsor her you can do so at http://www.justgiving.com/Tammy-Booth0.

5. Foresters Arms, Newthorpe

Greene King, who own Foresters Arms in Newthorpe, the last pub in the village, have applied for planning permission to demolish it and build seven houses on the site. Local residents have launched a campaign to save it and have formed an organisation called Save Our Foresters Arms. They are currently collecting signatures on a petition.

6. Hanna Bricklebank

Hanna is a 10 year old girl living in Attenborough who suffers from a rare medical condition called VACTERI. Despite this she manages to live a very full and active life, and her efforts have been recognised this week when she was named Bravest Child in the 7 – 11 age group at the national well Child awards. I’d like to add my congratulations to the many others that she has received.

7. Police station closures

Notts police are continuing to consult on proposed closures of police stations. Two are proposed in Broxtowe, in Kimberley and in Stapleford. A suggestion has now been put forward in Kimberley that the police might move into the Parish Hall and use this as their base.

8. Durban House Display

A new display of photographs of “ancient tombs and historical treasures” is on at Durban House from now until 28th August. All were taken by local photographer Alan Clayden.

9. Moorgreen Show

The Moorgreen show is on next Sunday and Monday. This is an excellent and large scale event and the borough council remain the major sponsors. We’re delighted to be associated with it.

10. A Level Results

Can I give my congratulations to those students who have received good A level results this week. My nephew got 3 A*’s, so we’re all very pleased about that.

It’s a very short newsletter this week as is often the case in August. Any feedback is gratefully received.


Saturday, 13 August 2011

Broxtowe Enews 13th August 2011

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of the Lib-Dems on Broxtowe Borough Council.

First, many apologies that there hasn’t been a newsletter for the past couple of weeks. I’ve actually been away on holiday and didn’t want to broadcast that fact beforehand. Second can I apologise to Beeston Hockey Club. I meant to mention their great success this season a few weeks ago but forgot to do so. Sorry folks and well done.

1. Riots

The events of the past week or so have been truly shocking. I was horrified to hear that they spread to Nottingham and the police did receive intelligence that Beeston was to be targeted for an attack one night. Extensive police activity including targeting those known to be involved in the planning meant that the threat failed to materialise. I have tabled a motion to be debated at the next council expressing criticism of the rioters and support for the police. I know that some people say that there were complex reasons for the riots but frankly, crime is crime and the sort of behaviour that has been demonstrated over the past few days is inexcusable. That doesn’t mean however that I would support a knee jerk reaction with new laws or restrictions, but hopefully there will be a frank and dispassionate look at the situation afterwards.

2. Future Broxtowe Development

The consultation period on where new housing in Broxtowe will be built over the next 20 years is now underway and I would encourage as many people as possible to respond. The consultation information is all available on the councils website at http://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=9265. I have insisted that the council looks at the best ways to ensure that all local communities are consulted as well and we will be taking various options forward over the next few weeks.

I have been very disappointed by some blatant political gamesmanship from the Conservatives over this. A Conservative Secretary of State insists that every council must look to allow new building and yet the local Conservatives have refused to say where they would support this happening in Broxtowe. I’m afraid that they can’t have it both ways, the Tories either support building or they don’t.

3. Walking in Broxtowe

A walking festival is being held in the borough at the beginning of next month to explore some of its delights. More than 35 different walks have been organised to suit all ages in the “Broxtowe Footsteps Festival.” The first walk is on 3rd September starting at 11.30 at Bramcote Hills Park and walking to Stapleford Carnival.

4. Stapleford Carnival

As mentioned above, the next Stapleford Carnival will be on 3rd September. There will be a parade through the town before the rest of the festivities at the Washington Drive field. The Lib-Dems will have a stall so please do drop in and say hello.

5. Community Action Meetings

The borough council currently holds Community Action Team meetings acros the borough. However attendance varies tremendously between different areas. In Bramcotee we will regularly get close to 100 people attending but in some other areas they have single figure attendances. As a result the council has agreed to switch from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to giving each local councillor discretion as to what happens in their own areas. At the same time the council will be exploring other ways of keeping in touch with people.

6. Sainsburys in Wollaton

Although this is outside of the borough the plans by Sainsbury’s to open a new store in Wollaton will affect many of our residents, especially those in Bramcote. The plans were rejected a couple of years ago but now they are back. Any comments on these should be sent to the city council.

7. Creative writing for teachers

A creative writing course aimed at teachers is being held at Durban House in Eastwood on 22nd April from 10.30pm. It is organised by the British Library and the National Association of Writers in Education. The course is free and places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Details are available on 0115 917 3824.

8. Worlds Longest Names

I like to draw attention to the achievements of local residents, but the latest entry into the Guinness Book of Records by local residents is simply bizarre. Two Beeston residents have changed their names by deed poll to reflect their love of comic book super heroes, and are now apparently known as ‘Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman HeMan Batman Thrash’ and ‘Baron Venom Bairog Sabretooth Vader Megatron Vegeta Robotnik Magneto Bison Sephiroth Lex Luthor Skeletor Joker Grind.’ It will be interesting canvassing them in the next elections!

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter and any feedback will be gratefully received.
