Sunday, 30 May 2010

Broxtowe Enews 30 May 2010

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, the leader of Broxtowe Borough Council.

1. Kimberley Medical Centre

I’m delighted to hear that Kimberley Medical Centre has been saved. The Health Authority had originally planned to close it but they have now reversed that decision and it will become a branch outlet of another medical practice. This is good news for patients and my congratulations go out to everyone who has been involved in campaigning to save the centre.

2. Notts County Council

The council have scrapped the Dial A Ride scheme for disabled people, in a bid to save £364,000 a year. The council have released figures which show that the scheme only had 28 regular users last year, and with such a low level of patronage it is hard to disagree with the decision. The city council are also discussing whether to switch off the street lights during the late night as a cost saving exercise. I’m open minded about this so far, and will be interested to see the research on which they are basing their decision. Whilst they are trying to save money the County Council have also announced plans to spend £1.5 million recruiting 32 new jobs, whose role will be to find other cost savings across the authority. This last decision does seem extremely difficult to justify.

3. Hemlock Happening

Just a quick reminder that the Hemlock Happening will be on at Bramcote Hills Park on Saturday 12th June from 1pm through to about 10.45pm. This is usually a wonderful event, totally free, and I would encourage as many people as possible to attend. You can set the video for the England match and watch it later.

4. Moorgreen

A pond dipping event will be held for families at Colliers Wood on Saturday 5th June from10.30am to 3pm, at the large pond. This is free to attend, and is targeted at families. Details can be obtained on 0115 938 5101.

5. Strelley Village

A spring fair will be held at Strelley Hall on Monday 31st May from 1.30pm. Admission costs £1 for adults. Accompanied children get in free.

6. The Tram

The new Government have announced that the tram scheme for the city is under review. No-one is quite clear what the outcome will be, but I hope very much that the tram scheme will continue. A delegation of pro-tram supporters will be travelling to London in the near future to make the case directly to ministers that the tram scheme is needed. Whilst the coalition have also said that they will be making other cuts from funding local authorities it does not appear that Broxtowe will be badly affected by these. Of course there are still many more savings that the Government have to make and there is no guarantee that we won’t be badly affected by them.

7. Stanton Building

Plans are going on show about a proposed development of 3,000 homes at Stanton By Dale. This includes proposals to bring a new main road into Trowell, so that traffic could then link up with the A52. If this happens I fear that the roads will be gridlocked in a morning as huge amounts of extra traffic try to get into Nottingham. An exhibition will go on display from 10th to 12th June for people to view the proposals and make their comments. The exhibition will be at a Marquee on Lows Lane, Stanton By Dale, at the Saint Gobain offices. On the 10th it is open from 2pm to 8pm, on the 11th from 10-6, and on the 12th from 10-3pm.

8. Attenborough Nature Reserve

A pond dipping workshop will take place at the nature reserve on Tuesday 1st June from 10am to noon, aimed at children on their half term holidays. The session costs £5 per person and should be booked in advance on 972 1777. Children under eight will need to be accompanied by an adult. On Friday 4th June there will be an orienteering workshop from 10am to noon. Children have to be at least 8 years old and it costs £5 per person. On Saturday 5th June there will be an open day at Attenborough Sailing Club, from 11am to 5pm. This will include an opportunity to have a trip on a boat, a barbeque and a display of model boats.

9. St Michaels Church Bramcote

St Michaels Church, a grade 2 listed building, has received a grant of £56,000 towards its upkeep from English Heritage.

10. The Pearson Centre childrens activities

A holiday club is being held at the Pearson Centre this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday it is aimed at school years 1 to 3, with years 4 to 6 on Thursday and Friday. Each session, from 10am to 4pm, costs £6.

11. Parking In Beeston Rylands

The County Council has published details of its proposals for a controlled parking zone in the Rylands. It will only apply on specified roads and only between 9am and 5pm. Also being proposed is a new one way system round a number of streets.

12. Archery at Durban House

People have the opportunity to try their hand at archery at Durban House, Eastwood, on Thursday 3rd June from 10am to 3pm. There will also be an opportunity to handle owls from Sherwood Forest. Further details are available on 01773 717353.

13. Casework

I have received more casework since becoming leader of the council than I did in the whole of the last two years. I expected this and am quite happy to take matters on for people. If there are any issues you want me to look at please use my council email if possible, at

As ever may I thank everyone for their support for this newsletter. Our best source of new readers is recommendations from existing subscribers, so please feel free to pass on the details to anyone you think might be interested. As it is half term there is no newsletter next week, and the next edition will be issued on 12th June.

Best wishes
